
Hello and Welcome to the Bent Neurophysiology Lab website.
The Bent Neurophysiology Lab is located at the University of Guelph, in the College of Biological Sciences, Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences.
Here you can access ongoing projects in the lab, information for participants, members of the lab, selected publications, and why we research skin!
The primary goals of the Bent Neurophysiology Lab research program are:
- To understand the individual and integrative roles of somatosensory (both tactile and proprioceptive) and vestibular inputs in successful movement and equilibrium.
- To understand how to effectively enhance sensory contributions to improve perception, movement and equilibrium.
This research program involves two key areas of study:
- Perform direct recordings from sensory afferents and motor efferents in awake human subjects to uncover receptor characteristics and sensory contributions to movement, balance control, and reflex responses.
- Elicit sensory perturbations and measure system responses to determine the function of these reflex loops, perceptual thresholds and sensory contributions to muscle activation and the maintenance of equilibrium and postural control.
Latest from the Bent Lab
- Recent Discussions (March 25)
Hello Everyone! Here at the Bent Neurophysiology Lab we can’t believe that the month of March is already almost complete!
- Recent Discussions (March 1)
Hello everyone! Hope you had a great February and are ready to turn the page of the calendar into the month of March.
- Welcome!
Hello and Welcome to the Bent Neurophysiology Lab Website.